2018 Cinematography Reel
4K Cinematography Reel. Shot on BlackMagic 4k Production Camera, mostly handheld Fall 2016 - Winter 2017
Animation Reel compilation of animated graphics, character narratives, and experimental shorts. 2015 - 2017
Mushroom City Art Festival - Baltimore 2017 Hear a sweeping soundscape of natural and instrumental sounds laying or mediating on floor mats in a calming white igloo.
Mushroom City Art Festival - Baltimore 2017 A mushroom shaped gong is played like a drum (forwards and in reverse!); just one of the many interactive art installations at the Mushroom City Art Festival!
Mushroom City Art Festival - Baltimore 2017 A mushroom shaped gong is played like a drum (forwards and in reverse!); just one of the many interactive art installations at the Mushroom City Art Festival! "At Mushroom City Art Festival, you can experience mushroom foraging, nature art trail walks, lectures, live music, all ages art workshops, interactive art installations...inspired by this mysterious mycelial life form will be featured alongside hands on workshops and educational discussions revealing the many real world applications for mushroom cultivation in contemporary urban life. Mushroom City is also a space to build community aligned with and beside the wonders of our natural world." Go to http://mushroomcityartfestival.org/ to learn more!
Animated thesis film - Towson University April 2016
Group project focused on composing and implementing the technical aspects and aesthetics of long takes. Creative Director Gina Ciardi shot the first long take, & was audio operator on third long take