The Client

Based out of Washington DC, Thrive Lounge is a community of young, entrepreneurial women (girl bosses) who are business owners and bloggers. Thrive Lounge hosts meet-ups, conferences, and events to network, inspire, and provides guidance on how to take the next big step to reaching their business objectives.

VisionCon is a networking event that takes place in December and provides a panel of accomplished women in different fields who share stories, answer questions, and encourage attendees to analyze at their business and personal goals. This event applies an updated spin on traditional New Year’s resolutions through creating a Vision Board. A Vision Board is a personalized collage of photographs, notes, and quotes participants can use to stay inspired and on-track to reach their goals over the course of the year.

The Objective

Thrive Lounge retained CRD Creative as the video producer, editor, and photographer to document the event. Coverage included set-up, the keynote speech from Stacey Ferguson; the panel speakers and Q&A; the creation of the Vision Boards; and testimonials from participants after the event.

The Solution

The video deliverable focused on the highlights from the inspirational Girl Boss panel and keynote speaker, Stacey Ferguson of Blogalicious. In addition, testimonials from speakers and guests were edited together with b-roll footage of the event to function as promotional and motivational material for future Thrive Lounge events.